Step Sisters Recovery Network is a community of women who share their experience, strength and hope in recovery. We are members of various 12 Step programs, AA, AlAnon, OA, NA, GA,and CoDA , who believe that no woman should be alone in the struggle with addiction.
SSRN does not employ professional workers or paid staff. Our members do not get reimbursed to do this work. We, the women of Step Sisters Recovery Network, believe in sisterhood and "passing it on".
Geographically, we are located in the Kalamazoo, MI. All of our face to face events are held in that area. However, we offer online workshops and
social activities. As we grow, we would like to offer a live chat line that
a website visitor could use to contact a 12 Step woman to talk to.
If you are interested in 12 Step service work, we invite you to
contact us at info@stepsistersrecoverynetwork.com. Our
Volunteer page has other ways to be of service.
Join us as we carry the message!
Our Vision
Step Sisters Recovery Network is committed to revitalizing the concept of “carrying the message” of 12 Step recovery to women in addiction. We invite women from all 12 Step programs to join a welcoming and supportive community where recovery means more than abstinence and sisterhood is not regulated by meeting length.
Our Mission
The members of Step Sisters Recovery Network believe that every addicted woman should have the opportunity to experience 12 Step recovery in a safe and welcoming environment and, for that, we are responsible. Step Sisters Recovery Network is committed to creating an engaged and energetic community of women who act on the 12th Step principles of service and sisterhood.
As women in recovery, we have experienced the transformative power of connection and friendship. Our mission is to reach out to the underserved: newcomers, treatment court participants, the recently institutionalized, and others, and to partner with them in recovery. We recognize the heart of every 12 Step program is communication - one addict talking with another addict, sharing experience, strength, and hope. SSRN is focused on connecting recovering women though an online presence and in person. Initiatives include communicating meeting and event information, delivering 12 step workshops and retreats, hosting social events, and developing effective relationships with other Recovery Community Organizations.
The Elevator Speech
Step Sisters Recovery Network believes that every addicted woman should be able to experience 12 Step recovery in a safe and welcoming environment. We are committed to developing an active community of women from all 12 Step programs who connect online and at live events. Our website offers information on 12 step programs and opportunities for women to communicate with other recovering women. SSRN also hosts weekend retreats, workshops and social events in the Kalamazoo, MI area.